Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in our diets today. It has a harmful effect on our metabolism and can contribute to many diseases. Since the onset of eating less fat, food manufacturers added sugar to compensate for the change in taste due to lower fat content. This may be one of the reasons why we are experiencing a big rise in obesity and diabetes in our country.
Most of us probably have no idea how much sugar we consume as part of our daily intake. We may think that our intake is minimal, but there is sugar hidden in almost everything we eat. According to diet surveys conducted by the USDA, the average American consumes 20 teaspoons of added sugar each day, which is equivalent to 80 grams of sugar. The recommended sugar intake for most individuals is 10 teaspoons (40 grams). Listed below are the sugar levels in popular foods.
* 12 oz. can of Pepsi contains 10 teaspoons (40 grams) of sugar.
* 2 oz. piece of candy contains 11 teaspoons (44 grams) of sugar.
* 8 oz. of lemonade contains 7 teaspoons (28 grams) of sugar.
* 4 oz. of reduced fat ice cream contains 4 teaspoons (16 grams) of sugar.
* A cup of Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes contains 4 teaspoons (16 grams) of sugar.
Here are some of the reasons that sugar is bad for us.
* Added sugars have no nutrients and are bad for your teeth.
They are called “empty” calories because they have no proteins, fats, vitamins, or
minerals. When your diet contains 10-20% sugars, this can create serious problems
and deprive the body of needed nutrients.
* Added sugar is high in fructose. and can damage your liver.
Before sugar enters the bloodstream, it is broken down into glucose and fructose.
This is not a problem if we consume small amounts. However, if we eat too much, it will
overload the liver and convert the sugar to fat.
* Sugar can cause insulin resistance, which is a stepping-stone towards Diabetes.
Insulin is a very important hormone because it monitors glucose.
Having too much glucose in the blood can be very toxic, and lead to complications with
* Sugar can give you cancer.
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death and is characterized by uncontrolled
growth and multiplication of cells.
Insulin is one of the key hormones in regulating this growth.
Studies show that people who eat a lot of sugar are at a much higher risk of getting
* Sugar is highly addictive.
Sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain, and is similar to
abusive drugs and alcohol.
People who have a susceptibility to addiction can become strongly addicted to sugar.
* Sugar is a leading contributor to obesity in children and adults.
People who consume the most sugars are the most likely to become overweight or
obese. This applies to children and adults.
The risk is especially strong in children. because of the sodas, cereal, candies, etc. that
they consume.
Adapted from “Excess Sugar Consumption ” and “Authority Nutrition.”